10. December 29, 2010

It was pretty busy over the holidays so I did not have much time to add to my blog.  I had minor knee surgery yesterday so I worked from home today and will do the same tomorrow.  Talk about perfect timing with the snow we got this morning!

Things are still going very well.  I cannot believe that we actually had money left over after Christmas!  During all of my gambling years we never had money.  We pay cash for everything so you can really notice the difference.  Christmas was wonderful.  I was able to truly enjoy the time with my family.  In the past I always rushed through everything so we could go to the casino.  What a difference when you actually sit back and relax!

My health is also getting better since I am not constantly sick to my stomach from stress due to money issues.  I truly believe that I am on the right path to recovery and am thankful for all of the support I have received.

Heading into the new year, I am looking forward to life continuing to get better.  We are actually having a New Year's Eve party on Friday night and spending time with friends.  Again, I would have been at the casino last year.  I am actually really excited!  When I first stopped gambling, nothing seemed exciting.  Everything seemed so boring compared to the excitement of the casino.  Now that some time has passed, I am starting to look forward to doing the things I used to do.  I no longer have to get excited about something and then stress out over it for weeks or months after!

I just received a notification on facebook that my 20-year reunion is in August!  Uggghhh.  Time to seriously go on a diet and get in shape!  That will be a very big motivating factor since I have not attended the previous reunions.  :-)

The kids are doing well.  It has been great spending time with them.  My 16-year old and I are spending much more time together and I love it!  Previously we constantly argued and our relationship was very challenging.  I know a lot of it is because I am changing through recovery.  Finally I am interested in others again, no longer just focused on myself.

Had my year-end performance review at work on Monday.  It actually went really well!  Life at work is much better too.  What a difference it makes when you do not absolutely dread the idea of going to work!  My boss has been wonderful and for that I am very grateful.

Well, I wish you all the best going into 2011.  The road to recovery can be challenging, but it is definitely worth every ounce of discomfort!  I will miss everyone at my GA meeting Saturday, but it will be nice to spend New Year's Eve with my teenagers and friends.  For some reason I do not think I will be up at 7:30 am  on Saturday!

Feel free to send me an email or leave a comment.  My email address is recoveryandhope@gmail.com.  I would love to hear from you.  Even if you just want to chat!

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