National Suicide Prevention:
Are you in crisis? Please call 1-800-273-TALK
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
Suicide Prevention Lines
Help lines can be a great place to start in seeking assistance with gambling related problems. As well as providing understanding and support, they have a wealth of resources on where to get help with a gambling addiction, such as assistance with overcoming debt problems.
Washington State Counseling Center
If you live in Washington there is an excellent counseling center that is government funded and many times at no cost to you. They have counselors who are experienced with gambling addiction as well as mental health, and alcohol and drug addictions.
Treat Gambling Addiction
Gambling Addiction Recovery Find Help & Treatment Centers Today
Washington State Local Problem Gambling Council
Contains a great deal of information on gambling, treatment, resources, downloads, and more.
If you or someone you love is a Washington State resident experiencing a gambling addiction, help is available at our 24-hour, toll-free Helpline (1-800-547-6133).
Gamblers Anonymous
The following websites and resources contain very helpful information when you are trying to learn more about gambling:
Other Useful Websites
The website below is extremely informative. It contains information about everything from describing the problem of gambling, how to deal with the urges, where to get additional help, tips for reducing anxiety and stress, and contains links to other mental health sites.
I found a gambling addiction forum online that has "real" people discussing gambling. It does not contain a bunch of "medical journal" information. There are posts from those with gambling problems and friends and family members affected by another person’s gambling.