6. Long day today

Today was a long day.  The day started by finding out that the firm was laying off a coworker that I had become good friends with.  She has the biggest heart and is wonderful to be around.  I will miss working with her.  I know that she will find another job soon due to her amazing people skills and extensive, very impressive experience. I only wish it did not have to happen right before Christmas.

The rest of the day was uneventful.  It was just a typical busy day.  The best part of the day was when I logged onto my blog account and saw the "stats" for page views.  I was so excited to see that people from my GA meeting took the time to view my blog.  My personal time is very important to me and I value what it means for someone else to give up their time.

Yesterday I sent my blog link to several GA members, that explains the increase in page views.  It was scary to send an email to people I know with a link to my blog. It is easy to sit and write when you are writing to an "unknown" audience.  The reality is that only a few people will find my blog through a web search.  Also, the number of compulsive gamblers compared to other prominent addictions is substantially less.  It took me quite a while before hitting the "send" button on my email to the GA members.  I knew that once I hit send my personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences would be brought out in the open. It was another step towards acknowledging and owning up to my gambling problem.  No matter how scary it is to share my personal feelings, it is necessary for me to be open and honest about this journey.  If I sugarcoat everything and act like every day is going great, it will not be beneficial to anyone.

So, if you run across posts that contain a bunch of my rambling about the day, please understand that I am trying to bring as much perspective and detail to this journey as possible.

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