19. Vacation!

After six weeks of crazy work hours and finally settling in to our new office at work it is time for vacation!  I am looking forward to four days off work and time to catch up on much needed sleep.

Last Saturday I missed my GA meeting because I was sick with the flu and I am going to miss it again this Saturday, but I will definitely be back next week.  The meetings keep me grounded and focused on becoming a better person.  They are a vital part of my recovery and I am looking forward to going back!

Having worked an average of 70 hours per week for the last month and a half, there has been no time to even think about the casino.  It still does not appeal to me and I have no interest in going back.  I am so thankful that recovery is actually easier than I thought it would be.  I know I have said this before, but when I was gambling, the thought of never going back seemed impossible.  At that time, I was not ready to quit.  I honestly thought I could regain control of my gambling and be like everyone else.  Now, having been away from the casino for five months, I know that I can never go back.  It could take just one time for me to be sucked right back in.  I am not willing to ever go back to that terrible place in my life.  When I think of how it impacted my life and my family's life, it still disgusts me and does not appeal to me whatsoever.  That definitely makes recovery much easier.

One of the main reasons I continue to blog on this site is so I have a journal that I can look back on and never forget how I felt before I quit.  I also write with the hope of inspiring other's to start their journey to recovery or to continue their recovery when they are facing challenging circumstances.

Thank you all for your support through this process.  It means everything to my recovery and I appreciate you all.

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